User Commands |
afs | Introduction to AFS commands
afs_compile_et | Produce error text tables for compilation
afsmonitor | Monitors File Servers and Cache Managers
aklog | Obtain tokens for authentication to AFS
cmdebug | Reports the status of a host Cache Manager
copyauth | Copies user's AFS credentials to a new cell
dlog | Authenticates to the DCE Security Service
fs | Introduction to the fs command suite
fs apropos | Displays each help entry containing a keyword string
fs bypassthreshold | get/set Cache Bypass file size threshold
fs checkservers | Displays the status of server machines
fs checkvolumes | Forces the Cache Manager to update volume information
fs chgrp | Changes the group for an object stored within AFS [Windows only]
fs chown | Changes the owner for an object stored within AFS [Windows only]
fs cleanacl | Remove obsolete entries from an ACL
fs copyacl | Copies an ACL from a directory to one or more other directories
fs cscpolicy | Change client side caching policy for AFS shares [Windows only]
fs discon | Manage client "disconnected mode"
fs diskfree | Shows data about the partition housing a directory or file
fs examine | Shows data about the volume containing a directory or file
fs exportafs | Configures export of AFS to clients of other file systems
fs flush | Forces the Cache Manager to discard a cached file or directory
fs flushall | Force the AFS Cache Manager to discard all data
fs flushmount | Forces the Cache Manager to discard a mount point
fs flushvolume | Forces the Cache Manager to discard cached data from a volume
fs getcacheparms | Displays the current size and usage of the cache
fs getcalleraccess | Show the current user's access to a file or directory
fs getcellstatus | Reports whether setuid programs are honored in a cell
fs getclientaddrs | Displays the client interfaces to register
fs getcrypt | Displays the state of encryption for AFS file transfers
fs getfid | Display the fid for a given path in AFS
fs getserverprefs | Displays preference ranks for file servers or VL servers
fs getverify | Displays the state of data verification for AFS store operations [Windows only]
fs help | Displays help for fs commands
fs listacl | Displays ACLs
fs listaliases | Displays the current list of aliases for AFS cells
fs listcells | Displays the database server machines known to the Cache Manager
fs listquota | Displays quota information for a volume
fs lsmount | Reports the volume for which a directory is the mount point.
fs memdump | Dump AFS cache state and memory allocations [Windows only]
fs messages | Sets whether the Cache Manager writes log messages
fs minidump | Generate a minidump from the current afsd service
fs mkmount | Creates a mount point for a volume
fs monitor | Enable client logging to a remote monitoring station
fs newalias | Creates a new alias for a cell
fs newcell | Changes the kernel-resident list of a cell's database servers
fs nukenfscreds | Discard NFS translator tokens
fs precache | Set precache size
fs quota | Displays the quota used in the volume containing a directory or file
fs rmmount | Removes a mount point
fs rxstatpeer | Manage per-peer Rx statistics collection
fs rxstatproc | Manage per-process Rx statistics collection
fs setacl | Sets the ACL for a directory
fs setcachesize | Sets the size of the disk cache
fs setcbaddr | Configure IP address used for AFS callbacks
fs setcell | Configures permissions for setuid programs from specified cells
fs setclientaddrs | Sets the client interfaces to register with the File Server
fs setcrypt | Enables of disables the encryption of AFS file transfers
fs setquota | Sets the quota for the volume containing a file or directory
fs setserverprefs | Sets the preference ranks for file servers or VL servers
fs setverify | Enables or disables data verification for AFS store data operations [Windows only]
fs setvol | Set quota and messages for a volume containing a file or directory
fs storebehind | Enables asynchronous writes to the file server
fs sysname | Reports or sets the CPU/operating system type
fs trace | Enable or disable AFS Cache Manager tracing
fs uuid | Prints the uuid of the client or generates a new one
fs whereis | Reports each file server housing a file or directory
fs whichcell | Returns the cell to which a file or directory belongs
fs wscell | Returns the name of the cell to which a machine belongs
klog.krb5 | Authenticates to Kerberos and obtains a token
klog, klog.krb | Authenticates with the Authentication Server
knfs | Establishes authenticated access via the NFS/AFS Translator
kpasswd | Changes the issuer's password in the Authentication Database
livesys | Reports the configured CPU/operating system type
pagsh, pagsh.krb | Creates a new PAG
pts | Introduction to the pts command suite
pts adduser | Adds a user or machine to a Protection Database group
pts apropos | Displays each help entry containing a keyword string
pts chown | Changes the owner of a Protection Database entry
pts creategroup | Creates an (empty) Protection Database group entry
pts createuser | Creates a user or machine entry in the Protection Database
pts delete | Deletes a Protection Database entry
pts examine | Displays a Protection Database entry
pts help | Displays help for pts commands
pts interactive | Enters interactive mode
pts listentries | Displays all users or groups in the Protection Database
pts listmax | Displays the max user id and max group id counters
pts listowned | Show the Protection Database groups owned by a user or group
pts membership | Displays the membership list for a user or group
pts quit | Exit from pts interactive mode
pts removeuser | Removes a user from a Protection Database group
pts rename | Changes the name of a Protection Database entry
pts setfields | Sets privacy flags or quota for a Protection Database entry
pts setmax | Sets the value of the max group id or max user id counter
pts sleep | Pauses for a few seconds
pts source | Read pts commands from a file
restorevol | Restore a volume from vos dump to the local file system
rxdebug | Provides debugging trace of Rx activity
rxgen | Stub generator for the Rx remote procedure call package
scout | Monitors the File Server process
symlink | Introduction to the symlink command suite [Windows only]
symlink list | Show the file to which a symlink points [Windows only]
symlink make | Create a symbolic link [Windows only]
symlink remove | Remove a symbolic link [Windows only]
sys | Reports the compile-time CPU/operating system type
tokens, tokens.krb | Displays the issuer's tokens
translate_et | Translates numbered error codes into text messages
udebug | Reports Ubik process status for a database server process
unlog | Discards all of the issuer's tokens
up | Recursively copy directories, preserving AFS metadata
vos | Introduction to the vos command suite
vos addsite | Adds a read-only site definition to a volume's VLDB entry
vos apropos | Displays each help entry containing a keyword string
vos backup | Creates a backup volume for a single read/write volume
vos backupsys | Creates a backup volume for several read/write volumes
vos changeaddr | Changes or removes a file server machine's entry in the VLDB
vos changeloc | Change a volume's entry in the VLDB
vos clone | Creates a shared-space copy of a volume on a partition
vos convertROtoRW | Converts a Read-Only volume into a Read/Write volume
vos copy | Make a copy of a volume
vos create | Creates a read/write volume and associated VLDB entry
vos delentry | Removes a volume entry from the VLDB.
vos dump | Converts a volume into ASCII format and writes it to a file
vos endtrans | Ends a volserver transaction
vos examine | Shows volume header and VLDB entry information for a volume
vos help | Displays help for vos commands
vos listaddrs | Displays all VLDB server entries
vos listpart | Displays all AFS partitions on a file server machine
vos listvldb | Displays a volume's VLDB entry
vos listvol | Displays information from a volume header
vos lock | Locks a VLDB volume entry
vos move | Moves a read/write volume to another site
vos offline | Takes a volume offline
vos online | Brings a volume online
vos partinfo | Reports the available and total space on a partition
vos release | Updates read-only volumes to match the read/write source volume
vos remaddrs | removes a file server machine's entry from the VLDB
vos remove | Removes a volume from a site
vos remsite | Removes a read-only site definition from a VLDB entry
vos rename | Renames a volume
vos restore | Converts an ASCII dump file into an AFS volume
vos setaddrs | Set new addresses for a file server's entry in the VLDB
vos setfields | Sets the quota or clear the access counter on a volume.
vos shadow | Creates a shadow copy of a volume on a different server/partition
vos size | Computes the size of a volume dump
vos status | Reports a Volume Server's status
vos syncserv | Verifies VLDB entries that mention a specified site
vos syncvldb | Verifies VLDB entries for volumes residing at specified site
vos unlock | Unlocks a single VLDB entry
vos unlockvldb | Unlocks several locked VLDB entries
vos zap | Removes a volume from its site without writing to the VLDB
xstat_cm_test | Displays data collections from the Cache Manager
xstat_fs_test | Displays data collections from the File Server process
C Library Functions |
AFS::ukernel | Usermode cache manager for AFS
Configuration and Data Files |
AuthLog.dir, AuthLog.pag | Log of Authentication Server privileged operations
AuthLog | Traces Authentication Server operations
BackupLog | Traces Backup Server operations
BosConfig | Defines server processes for the BOS Server to monitor
BosLog | Traces BOS Server operations
CellAlias | Maps cell names to aliases in /afs
CellServDB | Lists the database server machines in AFS cells
FORCESALVAGE | Forces salvage of entire partition
FileLog | Traces File Server operations
KeyFile | Defines AFS server encryption keys
KeyFileExt | Defines extended AFS server encryption keys
NetInfo | Defines machine interfaces to register with AFS servers
NetRestrict | Defines interfaces not to register with AFS servers
NoAuth | Disables authorization checking
PtLog | Traces Protection Server operations
SALVAGE.fs | Triggers salvaging of AFS server partitions
SalvageLog | Traces Salvager operations
ThisCell | Defines the local cell name
UserList | Defines privileged administrators
VLLog | Traces Volume Location Server operations
VolserLog | Traces Volume Server operations
afs | Introduction to AFS files
afs cache | Format of data stored in an AFS client disk cache
afs volume header | Represents an AFS volume
afsmonitor | Provides instructions for the afsmonitor command
afszcm.cat | Error message catalog for debugging the Cache Manager
bdb.DB0, bdb.DBSYS1 | Contain the Backup Database and associated log
butc | Defines Tape Coordinator instructions for automated tape devices
butc logs | Message logs from the Tape Coordinator process
cacheinfo | Defines configuration parameters for the Cache Manager
fms.log | Records output from the fms command
kaserver.DB0, kaserver.DBSYS1 | The Authentication Database and associated log
kaserverauxdb | Records failed authentication attempts
krb.conf | Configures the kerberos realm to AFS cell mapping
krb.excl | Lists exclusions for mapping kerberos principals to AFS identities
prdb.DB0, prdb.DBSYS1 | Contain the Protection Database and associated log
salvage.lock | Prevents multiple simultaneous salvage operations on a partition
sysid | Lists file server machine interface addresses registered in VLDB
tapeconfig | Defines parameters for tape devices and backup data files
uss | Provides instructions for the uss add command (deprecated)
uss bulk | Provides instructions for the uss bulk command (deprecated)
vldb.DB0, vldb.DBSYS1 | Contain the Volume Location Database and associated log
Administrator Commands |
afsd, afsd.fuse | Initializes the Cache Manager and starts related daemons
akeyconvert | Import keys from rxkad.keytab to an AFS KeyFileExt
aklog_dynamic_auth | LAM module to obtain AFS tokens from Kerberos tickets
asetkey | Add a key from a keytab to an AFS KeyFile or KeyFileExt
backup | Introduction to the backup command suite
backup adddump | Defines a dump level in the dump hierarchy
backup addhost | Adds a Tape Coordinator entry to the Backup Database
backup addvolentry | Defines a volume entry in a volume set
backup addvolset | Creates a new (empty) volume set
backup apropos | Displays each help entry containing a keyword string
backup dbverify | Checks the integrity of the Backup Database
backup deldump | Deletes a dump level from the Backup Database
backup deletedump | Deletes one or more dump records from the Backup Database
backup delhost | Deletes a Tape Coordinator entry from the Backup Database
backup delvolentry | Deletes a volume entry from a volume set
backup delvolset | Deletes one or more volume sets from the Backup Database
backup diskrestore | Restores the entire contents of a partition
backup dump | Creates a dump (dumps a volume set at a particular dump level)
backup dumpinfo | Displays a dump record from the Backup Database
backup help | Displays help for backup commands
backup interactive | Enters interactive mode
backup jobs | Lists pending and running operations in interactive mode
backup kill | Terminates a pending or running operation
backup labeltape | Creates the magnetic label on a tape
backup listdumps | Displays the dump hierarchy from the Backup Database
backup listhosts | Lists Tape Coordinators registered in the Backup Database
backup listvolsets | Lists volume set entries from the Backup Database
backup quit | Leaves interactive mode
backup readlabel | Reads and displays a tape's label
backup restoredb | Restores a saved copy of the Backup Database
backup savedb | Creates a saved copy of the Backup Database
backup scantape | Extracts dump information from a tape
backup setexp | Sets the expiration date for existing dump levels.
backup status | Reports a Tape Coordinator's status
backup volinfo | Displays a volume's dump history from the Backup Database
backup volrestore | Restores one or more volumes
backup volsetrestore | Restores all volumes in a volume set
bos | Introduction to the bos command suite
bos addhost | Adds a database server machine to the CellServDB file
bos addkey | Adds a new server encryption key to the KeyFile file
bos adduser | Adds a privileged user to the UserList file
bos apropos | Displays each help entry containing a keyword string
bos create | Defines a new process in the BosConfig file and starts it
bos delete | Deletes a server process from the BosConfig file
bos exec | Executes a command on a remote server machine
bos getdate | Displays the time stamps on an AFS binary file
bos getlog | Prints a server process's log file
bos getrestart | Displays the automatic restart times for server processes
bos getrestricted | Displays whether a bos server is restricted or not
bos help | Displays help for bos commands
bos install | Installs a new version of a binary file
bos listhosts | Displays the contents of the CellServDB file
bos listkeys | Displays the server encryption keys from the KeyFile file
bos listusers | Lists the privileged users from the UserList file
bos prune | Removes obsolete files from /usr/afs/bin and /usr/afs/logs
bos removehost | Removes a database server machine from the CellServDB file
bos removekey | Removes a server encryption key from the KeyFile file
bos removeuser | Removes a privileged user from the UserList file
bos restart | Restarts a server process
bos salvage | Restores internal consistency to a file system or volume
bos setauth | Sets authorization checking requirements for all server processes
bos setcellname | Sets the cell's name in ThisCell and CellServDB
bos setrestart | Sets when the BOS Server restarts processes
bos setrestricted | place a server in restricted mode
bos shutdown | Stops a process without changing its status flag
bos start | Starts a process after setting its status flag
bos startup | Starts a process without changing its status flag
bos status | Displays the status of server processes
bos stop | Stops a process after changing its status flag
bos uninstall | Reverts to the former version of a process's binary file
bos util | Manipulate the AFS server Keyfile
bosserver | Initializes the BOS Server
buserver | Initializes the Backup Server
butc | Initializes the Tape Coordinator process
dafileserver | Initializes the File Server component of the dafs process
dasalvager | Initializes the Salvager component of the dafs process
davolserver | Initializes the Volume Server component of the dafs process
fileserver | Initializes the File Server component of the fs process
fms | Determine a tape's capacity and a tape device's filemark size
fssync-debug, dafssync-debug | Introduction to the fssync-debug command suite
fssync-debug_attach | Forces full volume attachment (FSYNC_VOL_ATTACH opcode)
fssync-debug_callback | Breaks callbacks for a volume (FSYNC_VOL_BREAKCBKS opcode)
fssync-debug_detach | Detaches a volume (FSYNC_VOL_DONE opcode)
fssync-debug_error | Forces volume into hard error state (FSYNC_VOL_FORCE_ERROR opcode)
fssync-debug_header | Retrieves volume disk data structure (FSYNC_VOL_QUERY_HDR opcode)
fssync-debug_leaveoff | Leaves a volume offline (FSYNC_VOL_LEAVE_OFF opcode)
fssync-debug_list | Historical sync command (FSYNC_VOL_LISTVOLUMES opcode)
fssync-debug_mode | Changes volume attach mode (FSYNC_VOL_NEEDVOLUME opcode)
fssync-debug_move | Sets volume moved flag (FSYNC_VOL_MOVE opcode)
fssync-debug_offline | Brings a volume offline (FSYNC_VOL_OFF opcode)
fssync-debug_online | Brings a volume online (FSYNC_VOL_ON opcode)
fssync-debug_query | Displays volume structure (FSYNC_VOL_QUERY opcode)
fssync-debug_stats | Displays various statistics
fssync-debug_vgcadd | Add an entry to the VG cache (FSYNC_VG_UPDATE opcode)
fssync-debug_vgcdel | Delete an entry from the VG cache (FSYNC_VG_UPDATE opcode)
fssync-debug_vgcquery | Displays VG cache contents (FSYNC_VG_QUERY opcode)
fssync-debug_vgcscan | Force a VG cache rescan (FSYNC_VG_SCAN opcode)
fssync-debug_vgcscanall | Force a VG cache rescan on all partitions (FSYNC_VG_SCAN_ALL opcode)
fssync-debug_vnode | Display vnode info (FSYNC_VOL_QUERY_VNODE opcode)
fssync-debug_volop | Display pending volume operation info (FSYNC_VOL_QUERY_VOP opcode)
fstrace | Introduction to the fstrace command suite
fstrace apropos | Displays each help entry containing a keyword string
fstrace clear | Clears the trace log
fstrace dump | Dumps a trace log
fstrace help | Displays help for fstrace commands
fstrace lslog | Displays information about a log
fstrace lsset | Reports the status of an event set
fstrace setlog | Sets the size of a trace log
fstrace setset | Sets the status of an event set
ka-forwarder | Forward AFS Authentication Server requests to another server
kadb_check | Checks the integrity of the Authentication Database
kas | Introduction to the kas command suite
kas apropos | Displays each help entry containing a keyword string
kas create | Creates an entry in the Authentication Database
kas delete | Deletes an entry from the Authentication Database
kas examine | Displays information from an Authentication Database entry
kas forgetticket | Discards all tickets for the issuer
kas help | Displays help for kas commands
kas interactive | Enters interactive mode
kas list | Displays all entries in the Authentication Database
kas listtickets | Displays all of the issuer's tickets (tokens)
kas noauthentication | Discards an authenticated identity in interactive mode
kas quit | Leaves interactive mode
kas setfields | Sets fields in an Authentication Database entry
kas setpassword | Changes the key field in an Authentication Database entry
kas statistics | Displays statistics from an Authentication Server process
kas stringtokey | Converts a character string into an octal key
kas unlock | Unlocks a locked user account
kaserver | Initializes the Authentication Server
kdb | Displays log or privileged actions performed by the Authentication Server
kpwvalid | Checks quality of new password
prdb_check | Checks the integrity of the Protection Database
pt_util | Load or dump a Protection Server database
ptserver | Initializes the Protection Server
read_tape | Reads volume dumps from a backup tape to a file
rmtsysd | Daemon to execute AFS-specific system calls for remote hosts
salvager | Initializes the Salvager component of the fs process
salvageserver | Initializes the Salvageserver component of the dafs process
state_analyzer | Explores and queries the fileserver state database interactively
upclient | Initializes the client portion of the Update Server
upserver | Initializes the server portion of the Update Server
uss | Introduction to the uss command suite (deprecated)
uss add | Creates a user account (deprecated)
uss apropos | Displays each help entry containing a keyword string (deprecated)
uss bulk | Executes multiple uss commands listed in a file (deprecated)
uss delete | Deletes a user account (deprecated)
uss help | Displays help for uss commands (deprecated)
vldb_check | Checks the integrity of the VLDB
vldb_convert | Convert the VLDB to/from Transarc AFS versions 3.1-3.4a
vlserver | Initializes the Volume Location Server
voldump | Dump an AFS volume without using the Volume Server
volinfo | Produces detailed statistics about AFS volume headers
volscan | Produces detailed information about AFS volumes
volserver | Initializes the Volume Server component of the fs process
vsys | Make AFS system calls from the command line
xfs_size_check | Verifies proper IRIX inode configuration