32.13. "pickletools" — Tools for pickle developers ************************************************** New in version 2.3. **Source code:** Lib/pickletools.py ====================================================================== This module contains various constants relating to the intimate details of the "pickle" module, some lengthy comments about the implementation, and a few useful functions for analyzing pickled data. The contents of this module are useful for Python core developers who are working on the "pickle" and "cPickle" implementations; ordinary users of the "pickle" module probably won’t find the "pickletools" module relevant. pickletools.dis(pickle, out=None, memo=None, indentlevel=4) Outputs a symbolic disassembly of the pickle to the file-like object *out*, defaulting to "sys.stdout". *pickle* can be a string or a file-like object. *memo* can be a Python dictionary that will be used as the pickle’s memo; it can be used to perform disassemblies across multiple pickles created by the same pickler. Successive levels, indicated by "MARK" opcodes in the stream, are indented by *indentlevel* spaces. pickletools.genops(pickle) Provides an *iterator* over all of the opcodes in a pickle, returning a sequence of "(opcode, arg, pos)" triples. *opcode* is an instance of an "OpcodeInfo" class; *arg* is the decoded value, as a Python object, of the opcode’s argument; *pos* is the position at which this opcode is located. *pickle* can be a string or a file-like object. pickletools.optimize(picklestring) Returns a new equivalent pickle string after eliminating unused "PUT" opcodes. The optimized pickle is shorter, takes less transmission time, requires less storage space, and unpickles more efficiently. New in version 2.6.