38.5. "MiniAEFrame" — Open Scripting Architecture server support **************************************************************** The module "MiniAEFrame" provides a framework for an application that can function as an Open Scripting Architecture (OSA) server, i.e. receive and process AppleEvents. It can be used in conjunction with "FrameWork" or standalone. As an example, it is used in **PythonCGISlave**. The "MiniAEFrame" module defines the following classes: class MiniAEFrame.AEServer A class that handles AppleEvent dispatch. Your application should subclass this class together with either "MiniApplication" or "FrameWork.Application". Your "__init__()" method should call the "__init__()" method for both classes. class MiniAEFrame.MiniApplication A class that is more or less compatible with "FrameWork.Application" but with less functionality. Its event loop supports the apple menu, command-dot and AppleEvents; other events are passed on to the Python interpreter and/or Sioux. Useful if your application wants to use "AEServer" but does not provide its own windows, etc. 38.5.1. AEServer Objects ======================== AEServer.installaehandler(classe, type, callback) Installs an AppleEvent handler. *classe* and *type* are the four- character OSA Class and Type designators, "'****'" wildcards are allowed. When a matching AppleEvent is received the parameters are decoded and your callback is invoked. AEServer.callback(_object, **kwargs) Your callback is called with the OSA Direct Object as first positional parameter. The other parameters are passed as keyword arguments, with the 4-character designator as name. Three extra keyword parameters are passed: "_class" and "_type" are the Class and Type designators and "_attributes" is a dictionary with the AppleEvent attributes. The return value of your method is packed with "aetools.packevent()" and sent as reply. Note that there are some serious problems with the current design. AppleEvents which have non-identifier 4-character designators for arguments are not implementable, and it is not possible to return an error to the originator. This will be addressed in a future release.